The Iron Maiden, Rell, has stormed onto summoners rift with style. Unfortunately, as with all new champions in League of Legends, there is a bit of a learning curve.
Currently, She holds a 45.75% win rate due to her somewhat weak numbers. This win rate can be raised on a player-by-player basis by knowing which champions pair well with her.
Rell is a tanky, CC-heavy support that is similar to Leona in playstyle. She excels when partnered with mobile lane partners who can aid in setting up her stun with Attract and Repel (E).
Try these five champions in League of Legends when playing with Rell to find more success:
#5 Yasuo
Yasuo is not a traditional ADC but works as an excellent laning partner with Rell. His ability to dash through enemy champions with Sweeping Blade (E) makes it virtually impossible to miss the stun with Rell's Attract and Repel ability.
Additionally, Rell's sustain with her Q, Shattering Strike, and armor/mr share with her E, Attract and Repel, make the laning phase for Yasuo much easier when up against a ranged ADC.
The ultimate reason this combo works though is post-level six in League of Legends. Rell's ability to gap close on multiple enemies and pull them in with her ultimate, Magnet Storm, gives Yasuo a reliable setup. Magnet Storm displaces enemies it hits, so Yasuo is able to Last Breath easily in team fights and skirmishes.
#4 Samira
Samira has been struggling lately in League of Legends patch 10.25 but has found new life alongside Rell. Her playstyle rewards more aggressive players, so the battle-hungry Rell makes sense alongside her.
Like Yasuo, Samira's E, Wild Rush, places her behind a target, immediately setting up the perfect stun with Attract and Repel. This allows for Samira to reach S-rank faster and pump out tons of damage.
Rell's ability to CC enemies can also lead to some nasty combos with Samira's passive, Daredevil Impulse. Daredevil Impulse allows Samira to further CC targets who are already CC'd.
Check out this Samira/Rell combo potential clip
#3 Miss Fortune
Already powerful on patch 10.25, Miss Fortune pairs well with Rell because of the setup Rell can offer. Rell also peels extremely well against aggressive counterparts in League of Legends.
Miss Fortune is weak in the lane phase when up against an aggressive pairing in the bot lane, but Rell makes up for her immobility. Rell's armor/mr sharing with Attract and Repel and simple point and click knock up can get the otherwise vulnerable Miss Fortune out of trouble.
Rell's Magnet Storm also sets up Miss Fortune to full channel an ult in team fights and destroy an enemy team. Miss Fortune can rest easy with the Iron Maiden by her side in lane.
#2 Lucian
Known for his aggressive, in-your-face style of laning, Lucian makes an excellent partner for Rell in League of Legends. His ability to reposition with Relentless Pursuit (E) is reliable and sets up Attract and Repel nicely.
Rell wants to fight in lane because she and her partner have boosted armor/mr and heal when she lands her Q, Shattering Strike. This makes a duelist ADC like Lucian love life in lane.
Once both champions reach level 6, the CC combo from Rell, in tandem with Lucian's ult, makes for a high damage combo few champions can survive. Once that snowball is rolling, it is hard to stop because of Lucian's strength on one and two items.
#1 Tristana
Tristana/Rell is one of the scariest lane pairings conceptually in League of Legends. This lane relies heavily upon early success through coordination and timing.
With Tristana's Rocket Jump (W) having such a long-range, landing the Attract and Repel stun is easy. However, once Tristana jumps in, the trade usually ends with the enemy or Tristana dying.
This feast or famine lane is worth trying out because few champions can actually counter the combo Tristana and Rell want to execute at level two. Simply throwing Tristana's Explosive Charge (E) on the squishiest target, Rocket Jumping behind them, and CC chaining them with Rell is more than enough to 100 to 0 a target.
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